Candle mode setup
In Exocharts, besides the traditional Candlesticks representation, additional detailed information is embedded, according to chosen candlestick:
1 - None: no candle frames displayed;
2 - Color Candle: candle borders, Open/Close and High/Low levels shown;
3 - Color Box: candle borders and Open/Close levels displayed without High/Low (OC) levels;
4 - Bordered Candle: color-filled candle Open/Close area shown with separated border and High/Low levels;
5 - Flat Candle: candle Open/Close area filled with color without separated borders and High/Low levels;
6 - Mono Candle: monochromic candle Open/Close borders displayed with High/Low levels;
7 - Mono Box: monochromic candle Open/Close borders showed without High/Low levels;
8 - OHCL: candle bar Open/Close showed with High/Low levels;
9 - OC: candle bar Open/Close displayed without High/Low levels;
10 - HL: candle bar High/Low levels displayed;
11 - Embed: embedded candle bar Open/Close displayed without High/Low levels;
12 - Exo Candle: Exocharts exclusive color set of Color Candle with High/Low levels;
13 - Settings: additional candle settings.
To find more information about the traditional candlesticks concept, follow the link below: