Can I get reverse charge VAT for business payment?

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Can I get a reverse charge VAT for business payments?


Yes, the option to use reverse charge VAT is available. You must fill in all the necessary details during the initial payment steps. Please follow the instructions below:

1. Select a suitable subscription and begin the payment process;

2. Enter your email information, select your country, and click the "Continue" button:

Payment 1 step.png

3. Input your VAT number and other company details such as name, address, and country:

Payment 3 step.png

4. Scroll down the order summary page and click on the "Add VAT number" button:

Payment 4 step.png

5. If all details are entered correctly, pressing the "add VAT" button will set the new amount without VAT

Payment 5 step.png

Please note that if your VAT number is not registered with the legal companies database, the VAT will not be deducted.