1.- Show StDev 1/ Fill: By selecting this box, the StDev 1 bands are shown. Select the box beside it to fill this area with colour, enabling you to see the area clearer.
2.- Show StDev 2/ Fill: By selecting this box, the StDev 2 bands are shown. Select the box beside it to fill this area with colour, enabling you to see the area clearer.
3.-Show StDev 3/ Fill: By selecting this box, the StDev 3 bands are shown. Select the box beside it to fill this area with colour, enabling you to see the area clearer.
4.- StDev 1 colour Up/Down: Left box associated to the colour of the upper 50% of the StDev 1 band. Right box associated to the colour of the lower 50% of the StDev1 band.
5.- StDev 2 colour Up/Down: Left box associated to the colour of the upper 50% of the StDev 2 band. Right box associated to the colour of the lower 50% of the StDev2 band.
6.- StDev 3 colour Up/Down: Left box associated to the colour of the upper 50% of the StDev 3 band. Right box associated to the colour of the lower 50% of the StDev3 band.
7.- Reduce fill opacity: When StDev bands are selected to be filled, this setting allows you to adjust the opacity of the filled bands. Higher numbers increase the filled bands opacity.
8.- StDev dash custom/ defined: When selected, the StDev exterior bands appear as an exo csutom dashed line. Number box appears beside it allowing you to alter the size of the dashes.
StDev dash defined, refers to the box beside the custom box with a line set as default. Click on the area to uncover a multitude of StDev appearances.
9.- StDev line width: adjusts the line width of your StDev lines ( adjusts for all StDev's enabled).
10.- StDev 1 multiplier: multiplies the amount of deviation from the original preset of 1 from the VWAP.
11.- StDev 2 multiplier: multiplies the amount of deviation from the original preset of 1 from the VWAP.
12.- StDev 3 multiplier: multiplies the amount of deviation from the original preset of 1 from the VWAP.
13.- Reset default: resets any adjusted settings to the standard default.