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POC, VA settings

Present tab changes only  TPO profile 'Point of control' and 'Value area' settings:  


1 - Show VA Lines / Extend: on-off value area top and bottom edges line / on-off line extension to the right edge of the profile;

2 - Show VA background: on-off value area background / change value area background color;

3 - Naked VA area: extend value area background to the right side, until the first candle on the way, or the right edge of the chart; 

4 - Show VA range text: on-off value area price range text /  change text color;

5 - Show POC Ray: extend POC line to the right edge of the profile /  change extended line color;

6 - Naked POC Ray: extend POC to the right side, until the first candle on the way, or the right edge of the chart; 

7 - Show POC price: on-off POC price view/change POC price color;

8 - Use volume for VA POC calculation: change value area calculation source from time to volume.