Cluster mode settings:
Cluster mode settings can be found via the following:
> Right - click on your charts screen that you would like to change.
> Select "Chart Settings".
> Select the "Cluster mode" category on the left hand side.
. Cluster mode:
Void - Select the void option to relay no clusters within each candle, albeit the text type selected is still displayed.
Volume profile - Selecting the volume profile cluster mode relays a profile of the distribution of volume within each candle at different price levels, based on your charts tick size.
Delta profile - Select the Delta profile cluster mode to relay a profile of the distribution of delta within each candle at different price levels based on your charts tick size.
Bid-Ask profile - Selecting the bid-ask profile cluster mode relays a distribution similar to that of the volume profile however at each price level the volume is divided into the number of bids and number of asks.
Volume cluster - Select the Volume cluster, cluster mode to relay clusters (based on tick size) that unlike the profile modes that use the size of the profile bar to determine the amount of volume, clusters use colour gradients to create a density that determines the amount of volume at each level. This applies to the remaining clusters as well.
Delta cluster - Select the delta cluster mode to relay clusters that displays the amount of delta at each price level (based on tick size), dependent on the colour gradient used.
Delta Ladder - Select the delta ladder cluster mode to relay clusters that display the delta at each level that is divided into asks and bids, hence becomes laddered.
Delta ladder profile - Select the delta ladder profile, to display the delta ladder, however the size of each profile bar differs to indicate the amount of delta at each ladder,.
. Bar width calculation:
Adaptive - The size of each profile bar is adapted to the charts environment.
Current rotation - The size of each profile bar is relevant to the size of the profile bars within its candle.
Fixed volume - The size of each profile bar is fixed and its size is related to the given value.
. Delta cluster/ladder shade mode:
Volume based - colour shading of each cluster is based on the volume of the cluster.
Delta based - colour shading of each cluster is based on the delta of the cluster.
.Volume cluster shade calculation:
Adaptive - Volume cluster shades are based of the volume cluster size of the candles within its surroundings (other candles on your charts screen).
Current rotation -The shade of each volume cluster is based on the clusters within the same candle (candle with most volume = highest gradient shade, cluster with least amount of volume = lowest gradient shade).
Fixed volume - The shade of each volume cluster is based off a numerical value given to by the user.
.Bar width sensitivity -
This setting can be adjusted for any cluster mode that utilises a profile. Altering the integer value of this box adjusts the sensitivity for each profiles bar. The higher the value of the configuration, the less sensitive the bars become and vice versa.
.Bar fixed volume for max (...) -
This setting can be adjusted for any cluster mode that uses a volume based calculation, with a volume cluster shade calculation set at fixed volume. Altering the integer value of this box adjust the maximum shade of colouring to volume clusters with the set number and above.
.Delta cluster/ladder fade -
Enable this setting for the delta colour shading to be faded across every candle where the highest colour gradient is at the area with greatest delta and fades outwards from this area.
.Volume cluster tint steps -
Alter the integer value of this setting to adjust the amount of colour shading steps from the max colour gradient and the lowest.
.Volume cluster tint stop % -
Adjust the percentage value of this setting to adjust the percentage of the maximum gradient colour will be shown.