Home window overview
The home window appears on the first run of the Exochart Desktop Pro software or whenever a new tab is opened.
1 - Top menu:
- Quit: closes the program;
- Log out: logs you out of your current account
- Manage Trading sessions...: refers to trading sessions management (add or delete). Please note the built-in trading sessions could not be deleted or edited;
- Video settings - refers to video driver for rendering selection options (Autodetect, Direct X11, OpenGL, Enable V-Syn) and shows GPU information;
- Clear web cache: deletes the information automatically stored to your device when opening the desktop app if any web tabs are in use.
- Bug Report: weblink to the bug and feature request submission form;
- Exocharts Pro manual: weblink to Exocharts FAQ and user manual;
- My Account: weblink to Exocharts web platform, account information page;
- Recenter all workspaces: brings all workspaces to the centre of the primary monitor. Alternatively, workspace could be recentered by pressing shortcut key - Ctrl-P;
- Log console: opens log console where desktops code is written;
- Data Folder: opens Exocharts desktop data folder location on the hard drive of the PC/Mac you are using;
- Save as Workspace: If tabs are open in app, save current templates that are open as a labelled workspace.
- Import workspace: Import a saved workspace from your PC’s hard drive.
- Export workspace: If tabs are open in app, export the current workspace to storage.
- Manage workspaces...: refers to workspace selecting, saving, and overwriting.
- Create a new workspace: refers to creating a new empty workspace;
2 - Shows exchange connection status;
3 - Shows software version display;
4 - Standard windows control menu: Fullscreen, Minimise, Maximise, Close buttons;
5 - Opens new Tab;
6 - Window type selection:
Chart: opens charting window;
DOM: opens DOM window.
Web: opens built-in 3d party applications selection menu.
7 - Tab name: shows selected pair symbol;